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Tag Archives stews

Braised Beef Ragu with Creamy Parmesan Polenta

24 11.1K views

Braised beef ragu with creamy parmesan polenta, a hearty, flavorful tomato sauce with beautiful braised and slow cooked meat on top of a smooth and creamy polenta! I am so in love with this recipe for a slew of reasons… Who doesn’t love meat that’s been browned and cooked low and slow for hours?A hearty tomato …

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Coconut Curry Chicken Stew

21 2.6K views

Sometimes I get into these moods where I’ll really begin to crave a dish that I’ve had in the past, but don’t really know how to make. It’s starts out small… just a thought, but sooner than later the thought grows into an obsession and before you know; it’s all I can think about.  That’s what …

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